Model comparisons

You can fit multiple models in a single analysis. This allows Amos to summarize the results for all models in a single table. The following table is from the output of Example 6 in the user's guide. The table shows the chi square fit statistic (labeled CMIN) for four models called Model A, Model B, Model C and Model D.

Table of chi square and related statistics for each fitted model

When Amos can detect that two models are "nested" so that one can be obtained by constraining the other, it performs a chi-square test of the more constrained model under the assumption that the less constrained model is correct. The following tables show the result of testing five separate hypotheses, namely ...

  • ... that Model D is correct assuming that Model A is correct.
  • ... that Model A is correct assuming that Model B is correct.
  • ... that Model C is correct assuming that Model B is correct.
  • ... that Model D is correct assuming that Model B is correct.
  • ... that Model D is correct assuming that Model C is correct.

Tables showing nested model comparisons