Specifies the number of decimal places used for displaying numerical values.
Each text output (*.AmosOutput) file has a default number of decimal places that is established at the time the file is created. If, for example, a text output file is created with a default of three decimal places for numerical values, the file will initially appear in the output viewer with numeric values displayed with three decimal places.
When you change the number of decimal places, the new setting becomes the default for text output files created in the future but does not affect text output files created in the past. For example, suppose you change the number of decimal places from three to four. This will change the numbers currently being displayed so that they are displayed with four decimal places. In addition, output files created in the future will have numbers that are displayed initially with four decimal places.
This somewhat unintuitive approach to establishing a default number of decimal places for numerical values was adopted for performance reasons. Modifying the number of displayed decimal places can be a time-consuming operation for large files.