Both Evaluate1 and EvaluateEx1 calculate the discrepancy function and its first derivatives. EvaluateEx1 has the additional side effect of calculating derived estimates (implied moments, indirect effects, factor score weights, and so forth), which can subsequently be retrieved using GetEstimates or GetEstimatesEx.
object.Evaluate1 (ind, f, g)
object.EvaluateEx1 (ind, f, g)
The Evaluate1 and EvaluateEx1 method syntaxes have the following parts:
Part |
Description |
object |
An object of type AmosEngine. |
ind |
A variable of type Integer. On return, ind=0 if the discrepancy function is defined at the current parameter values. ind<>0 if the discrepancy function is undefined. |
f |
A variable of type Double. On return, if ind=0, f is the value of the discrepancy function evaluated at the current parameter values. |
g |
An array of type double. On return, if ind=0, g is a one-dimensional array containing the first derivatives of the discrepancy function evaluated at the current parameter values. |
Placement: [3].
Evaluate1 and EvaluateEx1 evaluate the discrepancy function and derivatives at the current parameter values, which can be retrieved using ParameterValue or ParameterVector, and which can be set using PutParameterValue or PutParameterVector.