To provide an initial value for a parameter, type the initial value followed by question mark. In the following example the variances of variable4 and variable5 are given initial values of 15 and 16:
Dim Sem as New AmosEngine
. . .
Sem.AStructure("variable1 (gamma)")
Sem.AStructure("variable2 (gamma)")
Sem.AStructure("variable3 (gamma)")
Sem.AStructure("variable4 (15?)")
Sem.AStructure("variable5 (16?)")
Sem.AStructure("variable6 (delta)")
Sem.AStructure("variable7 (delta)")
. . .
To give a parameter a non-numeric label as well as an initial value, type the non-numeric label, followed by a colon, followed by the initial value. In the following example the variances of variable1, variable2 and variable3 are constrained to be equal and given an initial value of 8, while the variances of variable6 and variable7 are constrained to be equal and given an initial value of 9:
Dim Sem as New AmosEngine
. . .
Sem.AStructure("variable1 (gamma : 8)")
Sem.AStructure("variable2 (gamma : 8)")
Sem.AStructure("variable3 (gamma : 8)")
Sem.AStructure("variable4 (1)")
Sem.AStructure("variable5 (2)")
Sem.AStructure("variable6 (delta : 9)")
Sem.AStructure("variable7 (delta : 9)")
. . .