Menu: View→Interface Properties→Syntax→Syntax preferences
There is some flexibility in the way a model is specified in the Syntax view. Plus signs (+) and asterisks (*) can be omitted in regression equations. The "<>" symbol can be omitted when specifying covariances. Empty parentheses can usually be omitted. When you are entering text by typing at the keyboard in the Syntax view, you can decide on a case by case basis whether to enter an optional "+" or "<>". However, if you specify a model in the Path Diagram view and then change to the Syntax view, Amos must generate text for the Syntax view. The Syntax preferences check boxes are used to tell Amos which optional text to include.
•Put a check mark next to "*" to insert asterisks wherever possible.
•Put a check mark next to "+" to insert plus signs wherever possible.
•Put a check mark next to "<>" to insert the "<>" symbol wherever possible.
•Put a check mark next to "()" to insert empty parentheses whenever possible.