To provide an initial value for a parameter without constraining it, assign it a numerical label followed by a question mark (e.g., "3.14159?"). In the following path diagram, two regression weights are initially set to the value 25. The final estimates of those two regression weights are unconstrained. One regression weight is fixed at a constant value of 1. The variances of the three exogenous variables, A, B and D are unlabeled and therefore unconstrained. The covariance between A and B is also unconstrained.
To give a parameter both a non-numeric name and an initial value, assign a label that consists of the name followed by a colon and the initial value (e.g., "alpha:3.14159"). In the following path diagram, two regression weights are initially set to the value 25, and simultaneously given the name X. The final estimates of those two regression weights are required to be equal (but not necessarily equal to 25.) One regression weight is fixed at a constant value of 1. The variances of the three exogenous variables, A, B and D are unlabeled and therefore unconstrained. The covariance between A and B is also unconstrained.