The following Amos Graphics plugin draws double-headed arrows among the selected exogenous variables. (Use or
beforehand to select the exogenous variables that you want to be correlated.)
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports Amos
Imports AmosEngineLib.AmosEngine.TMatrixID
Public Class CustomCode
Implements IPlugin
Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub
Dim SelectedEx As New Collection
Dim x As PDElement
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
'Construct the collection of selected, exogenous variables
For Each x In pd.PDElements
If x.IsSelected And x.IsExogenousVariable Then
End If
'Draw the double-headed arrows
For i = 1 To SelectedEx.Count
For j = i + 1 To SelectedEx.Count
x = pd.DiagramDrawCovariance(SelectedEx(i), SelectedEx(j))
x.IsSelected = True
'Try to improve the appearance of the path diagram
If SelectedEx.Count > 0 Then
End If
'The user will probably want to modify the curvature of the new
'double-headed arrows.
End Function
Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name
End Function
Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description
End Function
End Class