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IBM® SPSS® Amos™ 28

Menu: FileData FilesAssign cases to groups

Put a check mark next to Assign cases to groups in order to do mixture modeling. The check mark tells Amos that it is ok to assign a case to a group whenever the dataset does not specify which group that case belongs to.

As an example, suppose you have the following dataset, which contains a grouping variable called group. The group variable assigns cases 1 and 2 to a group labeled high , and cases 3 through 5 to a group labeled low. Cases 6 through 14 are not assigned to any group.


If you put a check mark next to Assign cases to groups, the program will leave cases 1 through 5 in the groups to which they are preassigned, and will assign cases 6 through 14 to the low and high groups.

It is not necessary to pre-assign any cases to groups. With the following dataset, the program is free to assign each case to a group provided that you put a check mark next to Assign cases to groups.


If you put a check mark next to Assign cases to groups, the dataset must contain a grouping variable like the variable called group in the figures above. The grouping variable must be present even if it has no observed values. The grouping variable must be a non-numeric (string) variable, but it does not have to be called group. To specify the name of the grouping variable, click the Grouping Variable button.

If you put a check mark next to Assign cases to groups, the program will automatically put a check mark next to Allow non-numeric data.


To obtain a reference to this check box in an Amos program, use the method GetCheckBox("Dbfile",  "CheckAllowClustering").

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